Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final: Diabolical Smileys - (Lazarus)

Well, the mother of them all was rough! lol - actually, it was pretty fun to do... but having to force yourself to incorporate all the tools is the hard part.

I managed though, and more or less have a coherent "ad" I guess. This project is called "diabolical smileys" and it's a basically a culmination of all the evil smileys I've made in this class. Essentially there are four smileys attacking the city...

Smiley A is a motion tween, falling straight from the sky into the city.

Smiley B is a morphing shape tween, morphing between a smiley and a square as he flies accross the screen.

Smiley C is a kinematic smiley with tentacles that crawls across the screen and roars.

Smiley D is an interactive, nuclear smiley - he sits there, and if it were live, he's a button. you hover the mouse over him and lighting bolts zap out of his head, if you click on him he glows green!

Once the smileys do their damage over the city, they move on.. then..

I used the pen tool to bring in some splattered lines that animate across, eventually using brazier curves into a big smiling evil mouth and eyes. Then the link for diabolical-smileys.com appears across the page... it's interactive, and brings you to this blog.

I did every thing required and more in the project, with a LOT of symbols, and free paint, fill, and just about everything thrown in. The only things not added were stop animation feature and a sound effect.

It was fun! Look forward to perfecting this trade!

- Laz

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