Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brianna Barcus_ Final

I made a document full of objects I might use. Including ornaments, the trees and stars. I created a sort of decorative flower, for the tree and the snowman using the pen tool.
I used mostly classic tweens for the ornaments and lights. One ornament was done using a Motion tween. And the star in the sky that grows a little was done using a Shape tween.
I used Inverse Kinematics to animate the snowman so he could wave I nearly forgot that I needed to use symbols to get it to work though. It's very interesting to watch what happens when you don't use symbols!
I added a sound to go with how the star moved to the top of the tree. It was slightly tricky since I couldn't figure out how to attach the sound to the movie clip for the longest time. And I had in my head that sound was supposed to be on a seperate layer from everything else.

I used a lot of symbols in my project. All of them were new. Ornaments, trees, stars, the moon were all symbols.

I created each button brand new. Two of them, one green, one red for stop and play.

Added a seperate text link that goes to a really awesome website everyone should bookmark!

I think the actionscript is the most challenging for me. I am such a visual person that writing each little bit of code and testing it out annoys me. And it's SO complex I know now why I'm a designer. I admire anyone who can memorize even a little bit of code.

This project was fun. I enjoyed putting all the different tweens in one project. (Classic is my favorite)

-- had some serious technical issues with the blog. Won't let me upload the video, I will try again later..... (again) (tried earlier and the same thing happened)

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