Friday, October 9, 2009

Project 1- Christian Boneta

Created this image utilizing the gradient shaping and adjustment tools alot. I also utilized a few different colors, also utilized Kuler to get a better understanding of matching color patterns based on the themes they have there.
The boat was 3 rectangles shaped into the form with the free transformtool, utilized the pen to tool to draw the mast and the rope holding the sails/reshaped rectangles
The sky was made using a rectangle and the sun/circle was merged into it.
The water was same as the sky utilized different custom colors for it
Utilized a primitive circle to make the form in the bow of the ship
used the pen tool and the paintbrush for the seagulls
and for the signature, I used Lithos Pro for the custom text

The tools i used the most was the free transform and the gradient transform tools they allow you to create all kinds of shapes out of existing shapes, and the brush was a very nice tool to have also. The biggest problem I had was figuring out what to draw.

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