Friday, October 30, 2009

Darby Hasbrouck: Project 3

I just started playing with shapes and decided to have each of the shapes start at the outside and then merge together. The circle transformed and changed color while the rectangle just changed color. I also set up the polystar to rotate slightly. I wanted to give the background a texture rather than a solid color so i just created a layer that was a rectangle that would cover the entire stage. I imported the ball from the library of another project and found that to be a very helpful time saver. Creating the shape wouldn't have been all that tricky but it's quite convenient. I ended up using the ball as my motion guide for this project.
The tutorials were great practice for exploring new ways to use the tween and mask functions. The chrome tutorial was the trickiest but it was useful to help me explore more text effects.
This wasn't my most creative project thus far but it was great practice and I feel a lot more comfortable using the classic tween and motion guide functions.

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