Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fullmer Project 2

Well Hello again…..It is I, the one with zero artistic ability, otherwise known as a Project Manager. I have here a simple rainbow, grass, ant hill and ants. I used the oval tool, modified with the selection tool, cropped for the rainbow shape and was then built as a mask allow you to see the rainbow behind. The mask layer completely overlaps the rainbow color swatch. The color swatch was rotated to give the, somewhat, obscure rainbow effect… I first added each piece from the grass to the ant hill and finally the ants. I then grouped all the ants and the ant hill. I used the arrange tool to modify the order of objects putting the ant hill behind the grass and the ants on top of the grass. I played with the stacking order of the layers finally putting the folder and all its contents below the mask and it’s separate layer. This was more for organization than anything. Managing complex graphics on a single layer is difficult; I kept wiping out or erasing parts of my grass…..I haven’t figured this piece out entirely but I’m sure it will come in time. Thanks for your support…Stephanie

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