Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fullmer Project 3

Thankfully I was able to supply the class with a project that doesn’t look like it was developed by a 2nd grader…although knowing my kids technical abilities in 2nd grade they may have been able to out-do me. I imported arcade buttons in three colors, blue, green and orange, from the common library. Each button was placed on its own layer. Since we can’t upload a .swf to the blog I’ll talk you through what happens in my movie. First the green button is removed, and then the blue using a few classic tweens and when the green and blue buttons appear on screen again (together), the orange button changes color to red using a color tween. All objects were converted as symbols to the library however I already had them in the common library so now I have them saved to two libraries…I believe… The tutorials helped A LOT, especially since I missed class so unexpectedly last week. Had I not had the tutorials I‘m sure it would have taken me quite a bit longer to finish my project. Stephanie Fullmer

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